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Bring it!



peter naegele

...the master is at hand.


Bring it on!

Patty Cryan


Bryan Alexander

Welcome, welcome back, and thank you:
Marci, Isis, Theora23, peter, agentzelda, Patty!

Elizabeth Miller

May the Count be with you!

John Reppion

Very glad to learn that Dracula will be Blogged again this year.

This site was an invaluable resource to my wife and I when we were working on the scripts for our comic book adaptation of the novel (#1 one of which is out on the 20th of May). The comments and discussion following each post were our first introductions to the wonderful world of Dracula academia. I hope we can contribute some useful information ourselves this time around.

Keep up the wonderful work!

Damon Blalack

Have all previous comments from the first round been deleted permanently? After reading through Livejournal's similar dracula1897 community, I'd intended to try it this year with Dracula Blogged, and was hoping that the previous collection of comments would remain intact for further unique insight. Are these archived elsewhere? From an academic standpoint a full-round of comments from unique users is most helpful!

Thanks for any information you can provide about this.


This was really ittreesning to read and learn about the myths surrounding the book. I love your idea of the Dueling Monsters read-a-long. I'm not going to sign up because I'm already barely going to finish up what I'm already committed to. Maybe next year if you do it again..-= Jennersb4s last blog .. =-.

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