8 July.--There is a method in his madness, and the rudimentary idea in my mind is growing. It will be a whole idea soon, and then, oh, unconscious cerebration, you will have to give the wall to your conscious brother.
I kept away from my friend for a few days, so that I might notice if there were any change. Things remain as they were except that he has parted with some of his pets and got a new one.
He has managed to get a sparrow, and has already partially tamed it. His means of taming is simple, for already the spiders have diminshed. Those that do remain, however, are well fed, for he still brings in the flies by tempting them with his food.
“He has managed to get a sparrow, and has already partially tamed it. His means of taming is simple, for already the spiders have diminished.”
Why is it so important to Renfield to feed these creatures, instead of simply catching and eating flies and nothing else, or going directly to eating sparrows—or people? After all, spiders eat flies and other insects even when they are wild. Perhaps, in order to capture their lives, he must control their deaths.
Posted by: Most Significant | July 08, 2022 at 10:13 PM