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Most Significant

“[The Professor] is off now buying a carriage and horses.”

At least Mina will not have to try to ride sidesaddle!

Why a carriage, though? The Professor is headed for Castle Dracula with Mina, and he knows that there is a road that goes all the way there. Also, a carriage (hopefully an enclosed one) will provide some shelter in a pinch.

Here’s one from the carriage museum in Prasad, Hungary:

Most Significant

“[The Professor] is off now buying a carriage and horses.”

At least Mina will not have to try to ride sidesaddle!

Why a carriage, though? The Professor is headed for Castle Dracula with Mina, and he knows that there is a road that goes all the way there. Also, a carriage (hopefully an enclosed one) will provide some shelter in a pinch.

Here’s one from the carriage museum in Prasad, Hungary:

ETA: Looks like Typepadvis still having issues. I was finally able to log in and post one comment, but I got a 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE error just now. DDOS attack, maybe? :(

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