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August 05, 2005


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Oh no! Not another one of these. The last one thoroughly defeated me with its non-abrasive and non-violent gameplay.



I've been playing Grow_rpg for a long time now, and cannot solve that darn thing. Can you give me the solution so I can move on to the new Grow game?



hi there..well i just find this game today..and yeah is preatty treaky.. but your picture help me a lot, i find than the way the i was doing it was wrong, i never see that tree before in my game so i start to change the order of the cards, i always start with the castle but that was wrong, but now i get it =) yujuuuuuuuuuu!!!
this game are awesome!! by the way i finish al ready the "Grow Ver.3" this one give me a lot of problem but is feel good when you finish it =) if you no have the url: here you go: http://www.eyezmaze.com ..pretty web.

matt & Jack

We need help!!! We've been trying for the past week to complete grow RPG but we just can't complete it. Please tell us how to do it!!!

Bryan Alexander

Well, you can find some walkthroughs by Googling. But if you want a hint, make sure you get to the top right.

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