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November 06, 2005


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Andrew Connell

The most 'worth it' show on tv next to Battlestar Galactica (imho). First season is out on DVD but beware, if you start watching it, you will be consumed until you're caught up to present (and it only gets better [and bigger] with each episode).

While I haven't tried any of the ARGs associated with Alias, I'd certainly be interested in seeing what a Lost ARG would have in store. I'm sure it would simply result in even more of my time being 'Lost'.

Lost Talk

It's definitely worth it. Rarely these days does a TV show so faithfully reward devoted viewing.

Sean T. Collins

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! The best show on television, until The Sopranos comes back at least. Fascinating and structurally ambitious.

Blivet Head

It's junk food. I actually feel guilty watching it, but I keep coming back.

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