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November 07, 2006


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That's why we do waht we all do Bryan! We are "chagne agents" and changing deep rooted norms and practices does not happen overnight. AFter all, our faculty have taught "their" way for many moons, and for the most part it has worked. Who would have anticipated that technology would make the inroads it has and in the short time frame that it has. I agree, we need to demystify Web 2.0, and find ways to encourage our faculty to be participants, and even better, leverage their subject matter expertise in this new generation of content production.


Yes, we have to keep at it. Keep talking. Keep trying to get people to change.

Eric Ederer

As a public librarian, I use Wikipedia for leads. Wikipedia is a great source to generate a concrete lead. I then use traditionally edited reference sources-- such as an encyclopedia-- to verify the lead. Being electronic, Wikipedia is easy to search. Also, it contains an eclectic variety of information that can be hard to find in a traditional reference source. Wikipedia is an important innovation in how knowledge works. One should not deny the innovation, but continue to experiment with it to create even further progress. I intend to continue my reference work and experiments with Wikipedia.

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