In another round of deep space horrors, NASA scientists are gathering data on a black hole thoroughly blasting the heck out of a nearby galaxy. The black hole is supermassive, lurks in the heart of a good-sized galaxy, and has been shooting radiation at a nearby, smaller galaxy for a million years. 10 to 100 million more years of further wrath are coming up.
Naturally, the researchers think of the cosmic destroyer as "a bully," and as "the death star galaxy."
For local color, the AP story asks the scientists to imagine Earth as a target.
[T]he high-energy particles and radiation of the jet would in a matter of months strip away the planet's protective ozone layer and compress the protective magnetosphere, said Evans. That would then allow the sun and the jet itself to bombard the planet with high-energy particles.
And what would that do life on the planet?
"Decompose it," Tyson said.
"Sterilize it," Evans piped in.
(thanks to cosmic master Andy Havens)
"It's so cute," researchers said when speaking of the supermassive black hole. "It's just like a growing baby, announcing its need for more nursing to all and sundry in the cosmic neighborhood."
It's all about the proper spin on the story.
Posted by: Steve B | December 18, 2007 at 14:53
The Old Ones?
Posted by: Thomas | December 18, 2007 at 15:47
Ha, Steve! Like Rosemary's Baby...
Reaching out to touch someone, Thomas.
Posted by: Bryan Alexander | December 18, 2007 at 19:43
Bryan, the Rosemary's Baby comment reminded me of the Satan's son in _Prince of Darkness_.
Posted by: Steve B | December 18, 2007 at 22:46