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March 21, 2008


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This story got quite some attention in Australia as it was related to the death of national folk icon Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin in 2006 from a stingray barb in the chest. An advanced killing perhaps in the war?

Alexandra Kitty

When I was a carefree teen, I went with my family to Florida and I went swimming in the ocean where there seemed to be hundreds of stingrays in the water. And I'm swimming with them, admiring their beauty, and as I am swimming, I see everyone else running out of the water and throwing rocks at the stingrays, and I'm thinking, "Wow, some people are mean."

And then when we went back to the hotel room, there's a news report about how someone died from a stingray attack.

It's the luck of the draw, I guess...


"...and as I am swimming, I see everyone else running out of the water and throwing rocks at the stingrays,..."

"And then when we went back to the hotel room, there's a news report about how someone died from a stingray attack.

It's the luck of the draw, I guess..."

Or perhaps it was the throwing of rocks and fear/hate energy that prompted the attack?

You weren't afraid or generating antagonistic energy toward them, hence no attack. Perhaps... :)

And it's not necessarily that they are 'mean', just reacting out of misperceptions and fear.

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real

Yes, there have been the 'animals attack' shows and possibly with an awareness of more frequency of this, but instead of asking 'why', and actively looking at this, acknowledging our responsibility with it all, there predominantly feels to be a perpetuation of a fear based reaction and belief in 'us against them'.

When this illusion is dispelled, we will have a better chance of co-existing with 'them'. :)

Bryan Alexander

Jim, that must have been one of the opening moves. Testing our reactions.

Nice story, Alexandra:

Good point about provocation, Skeye.

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