After yesterday's first glance, it looks like something hit Jupiter, all right. Something big - check out this infrared view:
And in fearsome color, a fiery pit, from The New Scientist:
(thanks to Infocult reader HP)
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I was just reading another astronomy blog which described the as-yet-unidentified object as "Wesley's Object," and called it a "continent killer" (suitably Gothic, I think, for Infocult).
To my eternal shame, I suggested that we should rename it "Wesley's Crusher."
Posted by: HP | July 21, 2009 at 23:34
I should probably mention that Steinn's post that I linked above ties in "Wesley's Crusher" (that's my name and I'm sticking with it) with Fortean favorite the Tunguska Blast, and runs down some ominous algebra on the latest estimates for how often planets are struck from outer space by massively destructive objects. Wesley's Crusher may mean that we've underestimated the threat by a couple orders of magnitude.
Posted by: HP | July 21, 2009 at 23:56
Continent-killer is about right, and perfectly Gothic. Continent-drowner, if the thing hits water, which is more likely on our world.
Would another term for such objects be "Wesleyan"? Are we talking about... Methodist space death?
"Wesley's Crusher." Your shame shall indeed be eternal, poor HP.
Posted by: Bryan Alexander | July 22, 2009 at 11:32
Another view of the collision, in infrared:
Posted by: pumpkin | July 24, 2009 at 04:51
Oh, very nice. Thanks, @pumpkin.
Posted by: Bryan Alexander | July 24, 2009 at 17:49