How will people fear augmented reality? Possibly by experiencing, or thinking about, experiences like this one.
You stroll along a street, look up at a shiny display, and see yourself already participating in a story. In the case of this Dutch ad, you find yourself watching thugs beat up paramedics, knocking a stretcher and patient to the pavement.
It's a PSA, and the point is clear (about how to respond to public violence not aimed at you). But the fears here are several, and will probably return and grow as AR seeps into the world:
- Loss of control over one's representation. It's that moment of horror you feel when hearing your voice recorded and played back for the first time, or seeing an especially bad photo. Here the AR ramps things up by embedding you in a story.
- Enforced passivity. You're not hypnotized or restrained, but the already-in-process story places you in a static, disengaged yet present stance automatically.
- Loss of control over navigation. Instead of walking along one sidewalk, you see yourself stopped on another one. It's a Twilight Zone/Phil Dick sort of feeling, finding yourself in another world.
(thanks to Todd Bryant!)
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