A small Texan town displayed a touch of that state's flair for the Gothic, when some Farmersville citizens threatened to drown a cemetery in blood.
This wasn't just any cemetery, but one local Muslims would run and staff. And not just any blood, but pigs' blood, so as to offend that religion's sensibilities.
Because, as several Farmersvillians observed,
"It is my duty and my right to warn when there is a danger," said one resident during the 30-minute public comment portion...."It's going to be a great big issue and it's going to kill Farmersville," said another.
The non-Muslim sensibilities were certainly grim:
“When somebody dies they bury them at that time. They don’t know whether they were shot, diseased or anything else. All they do is wrap them in a sheet from the grave and bury them,” Troy Gosnell told the local CBS station.
Patricia Munroe voiced fears that local drinking water could be polluted.
“We used to grow onions here. We sure enough don’t want to be growing bodies,” said another resident, Mont Hendrick. [emphases added]
One local offered a different Gothic approach:
Feelings ran high at a town meeting earlier this week, where direct action was proposed to prevent the Muslims pressing ahead with the project.
Take and dump pig’s blood and put pig’s heads on a post so they won’t buy the land,” one resident said.
Nobody seems to have taken that resident up on his or her plan.
(thanks to Todd Bryant)
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