Social Software: Blogs, Wikis, and More
ACM SIGUCCS, November 2005
Larger principles for the day:
- social multiplier
- microcontent
- tagging and folksonomies
social writing platforms
- blogging
LiveJournal, TypePad
Moveable Type, WordPress
regional, urban
.edu: syllabus and content, student co-authoring,
more .edu: student blogs, library-based blogs
research: researchers, public intellectuals (right, left), Pharyngula
new .edu forms: blogging content, mixed blogs, world blogging
- wiki (try this one)
WikiSpaces, SocialText
WikiProjects: WikiPedia, WikiNews
New wiki-ish projects: JotSpot, WriteBoard, TiddlyWiki
.edu: Bowdoin's Romantic Audience (article)
- finding stuff
Aggregate: Blogdex,
Search: Daypop, Feedster, Waypath. Google Blogsearch.
Social search: Gnosh
social network services
I. YASNs: Friendster, Orkut
II. Social objects
-images (Flickr)
-social bookmarks (
-RSSRead: Bloglines, NetNewsWire
Search: IceRocket, Technorati
Publish: Feedburner
Visualize: TagCloud (sample), BlogpulseNews: Digg, Memeorandum, OhMyNews!, Yahoo News Search
Next and other
-podcasting (one note)
-social search
-mobile devices plus social software
-CMS interaction
-player shakeout
-faculty adoption
-curves and politics
Elections and politics
Some readings
- Yochai Benkler, "Common Wisdom: Peer Production of Educational Materials". Presented at the September 2005 Advancing the Effectiveness and Sustainability of Open Education Conference.
- Tony Hammond, Timo Hannay, Ben Lund, and Joanna Scott, "Social Bookmarking Tools: A General Review". D-Lib, April 2005.
- Mary Hodder, “For the Vox Populi: A Comparison of How Some Blog Aggregation and RSS Search Tools Work”. Napsterization, July 24, 2005.
- Tim O’Reilly, “What is Web 2.0?”, September 30, 2005.
- Clay Shirky, “Ontology is Overrated”. presentations given during spring 2005.
Check out this link to social mapping of a group over the web.
Posted by: Heidi | November 06, 2005 at 06:27 PM